- Christmas Pipings
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1143S
Angels We Have Heard on High
Il Est Ne, le Divin Enfant
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Noel Nouvelet
O Come, Little Children
Silent Night, Holy Night
Winds Through the Olive Trees
I Saw Three Ships
- Exaltation
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1175S
Grand Processional
Intrada Festiva
March de Fete
Petite Promenade
Processional for a Joyful Day
- Festive Hymn Introductions for Organ
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1140S
Organ introductions to 37 well known hymn tunes are included: Aurelia, Bereden vag for Herran, Bradbury, Brother James' Air, Bunessan, Coronation, Cwm Rhondda, Darwall's 148th, Diademata, Duke Street, Easter Hymn, Foundation, Holy Mana, Hyfrydol, In Babilone, In dulci jubilo, Italian Hymn, Laast uns erfreuen, Laudes Domini, Lobe den Herren, Marion, Maryton, McKee, Mit Freuden zart, Nettleton, Nicaea, Nun danket alle Gott, Old Hundredth, Royal Oak, Sacred Song, St. Anne, St. Columba, St. Christopher, St. Denio, Slane, Terra Patris, and The Ash Grove
- Grand Processional on LOBE DEN HERREN
- The Sacred Music Press: SM409
Northern Europe: De Haske Publications: 970915
A regal work by Geoffrey Shaw, arranged by Dale Wood.
The work builds to a powerful conclusion with a majestic statement of the hymn tune (Praise to the Lord, the Almighty) that can be used to accompany congregational singing, if desired.
(See also Organ and Instruments)
- Interludes for Organ
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1320S
This versatile collection features organ interludes of varying length and style in every key. Also included are short settings of familiar hymn tunes that are suitable at times of prayer, commitment or invitation, or at the dismissal.
- Little Classics for Organ
- The Sacred Music Press: KK393
Adagio from Sonata No. 1 (Mendelssohn)
Aria With Variations (Martini)
Arioso from the Clavier Concerto in F Minor (Bach)
Flute Tune (Arne)
Gavotta (Martini)
If Thou Art With Me (Bach)
Voluntary in G Major (Stanley)
- Lyric Pieces for Organ
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1342S
- Music for Organ
- The Sacred Music Press: KK173
Elegy on Behold A Host
Prelude on New Britain (Amazing Grace)
Variations on Adoro te devote
Voluntary on Jefferson
Voluntary on a Tune of Many Names
- New Settings of Twenty Well-Known Hymn Tunes
- Augsburg Fortress Publishers:
Organ Edition: 11-9292
Trumpet Descant Edition: 11-9293
Vocal Descant Edition: 11-9294
Free harmonizations for organ, with optional descants for voice or trumpet. Hymn tunes include Adeste fideles, Allein Gott in der hoh, Adeste fideles, Allein Gott in der hoh, Diademata, Easter Hymn, Ein' feste burg, Ellers, From Heaven High, Holy Night, In dulci jubilo, Kirken, Lobe den Herren, Merton, Miles' Lane, Neander, Nicaea, Nun danket alle Gott, St. Denio, St. Theodulph, Stille Nacht, and Stutgart.
- Organ Book of American Folk Hymns
- The Sacred Music Press: KK189
Sons of Sorrow
The Saints' Delight
Variations on a Hymn for Lent
Wondrous Love
- Preludes and Postludes
- Augsburg Fortress Publishers: 11-9320
Come, Risen Lord
Let Us Break Bread Together
Praise the Lord, Rise Up Rejoicing
Sent Forth by God's Blessing
Upon Thy Table, Lord
We Know That Christ Is Raised
- Processional for a Joyful Day
- A majestic work for weddings or general use
The Sacred Music Press
Organ Solo: 80/1042S
Piano Solo: 80/1041S
- Seven Folk Tune Sketches for Organ
- Warner Bros. Publications: GB00357
Bright and Glorious Is the Sky
Children of the Heavenly Father
God, That Madest Earth and Heaven
In Heavenly Love Abiding
Jerusalem, My Happy Home
O God of Earth and Altar
O Thou, in All Thy Might So Far
- Softly and Tenderly (Volume 1)
- The Sacred Music Press: KK 505
He Leadeth Me
I Need Thee Every Hour
Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult
Just As I Am, Without One Plea
The Old Rugged Cross
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Softly and Tenderly
Sweet Hour of Prayer
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- Softly and Tenderly (Volume 2)
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1001S
Abide With Me
How Great Thou Art
I Love to Tell the Story
My Faith Looks Up to Thee
My Jesus, I Love Thee
O Master Let Me Walk With Thee
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
This Is My Father's World
- Softly and Tenderly (Volume 3)
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1040S
Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Blessed Assurance
Come, Ye Disconsolate
In the Garden
Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross
Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
Savior, Thy Dying Love
- Songs of the Heart
- Brigham Young University Studies: 101
Beautiful Savior
Brother James' Air
Come, Ye Disconsolate
Great Is Our God
I Need Thee Every Hour
Israel, God Is Calling
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Rock of Ages
Sweet Hour of Prayer
- Two Tuneful Whimsies
- Warner Bros. Publications: BHS9901
Here is music with a smile and touch of humor,
ideal for use as a recital encore or joyful postlude.
Two familiar Gospel tunes are incorporated:
Love Lifted Me
Wonderful Words of Life
- Wood Works for Christmas
- The Sacred Music Press: KK454
Austrian Shepherd's Carol
Carol of the Manger
Christmas Is Here
Good Christian Men, Rejoice
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Shepherd's Pipe Carol
Sussex Carol
- Wood Works for Lent and Easter
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1318S
A Way to Calvary Leadeth
Ah, Holy Jesu
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
My Song Is Love Unknown
That Easter Day With Joy Was Bright
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- Wood Works for Organ (Book 1)
- The Sacred Music Press: KK357
Aria on the tune Jewels
Be Thou My Vision
Brother James' Air
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Now That the Daylight Fills the Sky
Praise and Thanksgiving
Shall We Gather at the River?
Were You There?
- Wood Works for Organ (Book 2)
- The Sacred Music Press: KK400
Caricature of a Sunday School Song (Jesus Loves Me)
God Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens
In Christ There Is No East or West
Just As I Am, Without One Plea
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Prepare the Way, O Zion
We Praise You, O God
- Wood Works for Organ (Book 3)
- The Sacred Music Press: KK500
Beautiful Savior (Fairest Lord Jesus)
The Gift to Be Simple
In Thee Is Gladness
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Now With Singing and Praise
O Jesus, King Most Wonderful
There Is a Happy Land
This Joyful Day of Days
- Wood Works for Organ (Book 4)
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1344S
The Ash Grove Variations
Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound
How Firm a Foundation
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Lead, Kindly Light
When Morning Gilds the Skies
- Wood Works on International Folk Hymns
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1070S
All Things Bright and Beautiful (English)
Arise, My Soul, Arise! (Finnish)
Cold December Flies Away (Catalonian)
Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown (Scottish)
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (Polish)
Lost in the Night (Finnish)
People, Look East (French)
Though I May Speak (English)
- Wood Works on International Folk Hymns (Volume 2)
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1345S
Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning
Children of the Heavenly Father
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Come Unto Me and Rest)
If God Himself Be for Me
O Day of Radiant Gladness
'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
- Wood Works on Original Themes
- The Sacred Music Press: 70/1100S
A Trumpeting
The Good Shepherd
I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills
In This Moment of Remembrance
Let the Earth Rejoice!
The Mountains Shall Sing
Song in the Night
With Timbrel and Dance